The ARGON GEO is a customised aircraft that supports an Ultralight Measurement System, incorporating aerial laser scanning, adhering to the new 560 kg MTOW regulations.
The Aerial Ultralight Measurement System is a high-precision measuring platform that integrates an active laser sensor and a photogrammetric camera with an INS / GNSS system, aided ground segment, mobile reference station and mobile meteorological information system.
The primary task is to obtain a three-dimensional, dense cloud of points with known X, Y and Z co-ordinates combined with high-resolution colour photographs. The data, after processing, are used primarily for the production of Numerical Terrain and Coverage Models and orthophotomaps.
System Advantages:
- High precision
- High scanning speed of 200 lines / sec
- Pulse frequency up to 380 kHz
- Narrow beam, hence high spatial resolution, of the laser
- Possibility to register multiple beam ejection - unlimited number of echoes of a single beam
- Compact and lightweight
- Fast and accurate measurement of large objects
- High accuracy (comparable to classic geodetic measurements)
- The ability to scan hard-to-reach places and in industrial plants by remote sensing
- Easy access to measurement data
- Measurement independent of lighting
- Automation of the computational process (automatic alignment, 3D sections and 3D models).
Air laser scanning – applications:
- Road construction
- Inventory and surveying of roads
- Road gauge measurements
- Measurements of deformation and displacement of viaducts and bridges
- Acquisition of 3D models for acoustic mapping
- Mapping for design purposes and as-built maps
- Assessment of technical condition of the pavement
- Inventory of collisions and road accidents
- Detection and measurement of structural components
- Detecting and analysing objects related to organisational movement
- Measurements of deformations and displacements
- Creating faithful 3D models of pipelines, heating systems
- Object monitoring
- Inventory of industrial installations and production halls
- Calculating the volume of earth masses
- Precise object mapping
- Inventory documentation
- Examination of deformation of buildings
- Analysis of the structure of buildings
- 3D models, visualizations
- Orthophosphates
- Measurements of railway tunnels and gauges
- Collision testing
- Inventory of railway infrastructure
- Track geometry measurements
- Inventory documentation
- Investigation of deformation of mining infrastructure elements
- Optimization of transport of waste and logistics
MANUFAKTURA Lotnicza Sp z o o
EPSJ Lądowisko Sobienie Szlacheckie k. Warszawy
VAT : 1231453446 | Regon: 384715359 KRS:0000807708
Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy XIV Wydział Gospodarczy